Churches of the Parish of Gaspe

Upcoming Work Bee
St James Cemetery, Eden Street
May 18th starting at 8am
All are welcome to come lend a hand!

Who Are We?

We are the Anglican Churches serving the communities of Gaspé, Peninsula, Sandy Beach, Wakeham, and York, in beautiful Gaspé, Quebec. We are here to find and know Jesus Christ in our worship together, in our mutual love of one another, and in our service to our communities and those in need, and to share God's love and the Good News of the Gospel with our neighbours.

There are many opportunities for worship, but the centre of our worshiping life together is at the Altar on Sunday mornings when the Holy Eucharist is celebrated and offered.

We seek to form our hearts outside of Sunday mornings by prayer, study, and fellowship, and we offer regular Bible studies and special services throughout the year. We also have a long history of outreach to our communities and support of other local ministries that do charitable work.

What to Expect?

Whether you are a life-long Anglican, just coming back to church after a long time away, visiting from another denomination, or even if you've never encountered church at all, our hope for you is that you might find your time in our parish to be an uplifting, and hope-filled encounter with Christ.

We gather in one of our five churches on Sunday. This service is drawn from the alternative service book called the Book of Alternative Services. And even though we use this worship book on Sunday, our theology is deeply rooted in the Book of Common Prayer, which has been forming and shaping Anglican spirituality for over 500 years. At these services, we sing hymns, and our priest offers a children's talk. We welcome the sounds of children and are all very happy that they're with us!

Often, people who have never worshiped in an Anglican church will notice that in our services there is a lot of standing, kneeling, and sitting. We want our whole selves engaged in worship, and so we allow the posture of our bodies to reflect what is happening in our minds and hearts. When we proclaim something as a congregation or when we join our voices together in hymns of praise to God we stand up, we sit to listen, and we kneel when we are in prayer.

It can be a bit disorienting and confusing at first, but don't get anxious about 'getting it right.' Not everybody is able to stand or kneel, and that is fine. We welcome you to follow what the congregation is doing, but know that God welcomes you whether you are sitting, standing, or kneeling. It is, fundamentally, about the posture of our heart.

At a certain point in the service the congregation will be invited to approach the altar rail and receive the Eucharist. The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes all people who are baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and receive communion in their own denomination to receive the Eucharist (this means that you don't have to be an Anglican to receive). If you wish to approach the rail and receive a blessing instead you can stand or kneel and cross your arms over your chest and the priest will offer you a blessing.

If you still have questions or wish to talk to Rev'd Melissa about Anglicanism, Christianity, or our services, please don't hesitate to contact her by email.

Mailing Address: Parish of Gaspe, c/o Rhonda Stewart, Treasurer, 481 boul York O., Gaspe, G4X 2M5

Physical addresses of the Churches
1 - St. Matthew's, Peninsula [1137 Blvd de Forillon, G4X 6T9]
2 - St. Andrew's, York [1006 Blvd York West. Gaspé. G4X 2M5]
3 - St. James, Wakeham [548 Montée Wakeham Gaspé, G4X 2A1]
4 - St. Paul's, Gaspe [216 Montée Wakeham, Gasp', G4X 1V4]
5 - St. John & St. Philip's, Sandy Beach [576 Montée de Sandy Beach, Gasp', G4X 2G1]


Mother Melissa Frankland, Incumbent 581-887-4472, send email

Deacon Doug Johnson, 418-645-2983, send mail

Parish Wardens:

Bruce Jones, send email
Rhonda Stewart,

Deputy Wardens:

St. Matthew's, Christine Beebe-Mullin, 418-892-5464
St. Andrew's, York, Carol Jones, 418-368-3851
St. James, Wakeham, Lance Clark, 418-368-5972
St. Paul's, Gaspe, Linda Alexander, 418-368-1502
St. John's, Sandy Beach, Carol Suddard, 418-368-3142

Cemetery Wardens:

St. Matthew's, Christine Beebe-Mullin, 418-892-564
St. Andrew's, Craig Quiriple, 418-361-2899 or Karl Hackett, 418-360-4530
St. James, Wakeham, Lance Clark, 418-368-5972
St. Paul's, Gaspe, Vernice dumeresq, 418-368-5705
St. John's, Sandy Beach, Carol Suddard, 418-368-3142